Saturday, May 30, 2009

Apple Blossoms

Hey all! We have been spending the past couple of days working on mowing the lawn and cleaning. We have one push mower, and thanks to our neighbors, we used one of their push mowers as well. If you have seen our yard you should probably remember just how big it is and how daunting this task is. Well, with team work we were able to get it done. It was difficult trying to get it done around all the rain we have been having. It would rain and then the sun would come out and the lawn would grow some more. Okay, here are some pictures of our beautiful apple blossoms.

An entire tree in bloom.

Close up of a blossom bundle, buds and flowers.

Chris helped me scout out the fat, cute, pollinating bumble bees so I could capture them (not literally). I am not quite sure why I think they are cute, but I do :) I love being under the trees looking up at all the buzzing bees.

My favorite one I took....

A bumble bee in action.

Hopefully I will have something more interesting soon!


1 comment:

  1. Well Lindsey as usual I am catching up on the past month of blogs! And, as usual you have done an amazing job. Please tell Isaiah I was very impressed with his pitching video and I love all the posts from Noey tree climbing to Timmy hamming it up for the camera! Love and hello to all! Renee
