Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Piggies

Four new piggies arrived today! We are going to raise them through the winter and they will go to slaughter around May.
They are very scared of us still, so this first picture is of them all huddled in the corner of their house. We have already named them, too. Thanks to Hannah's idea, we went for a "Tarzan" theme. The big spotted one is Kerchak, the one in the very back is Tantor, the front right (the only girl) is Jane, and the front left is Tarzan.

Some of the kids gather in front of the house to check out the new arrivals.

They are SO cute! They always stay together. Here they are working together to root up one area. When they are happy they wag their tales like a dog :)


Soap Making

Recently I had an opportunity to make soap... the real way, with lye and the whole nine yards.
It won't be done until around Thankgiving because it takes so long to dry. We can't wait to try it! It was definitely a learning experience all around, but hopefully it comes out correctly! The picture is of the last day I had to stir it to re-incoporate the olive oil because it seperates from the lye for a few days. Thank you Mrs H. for the fun learning experience!


Happy Birthday Timmy!

On November the 14th Timmy turned 1! I (we) can't believe that a whole year has alreay passed! We made him a cake and had a party with just us on Saturday. Here are some cute pictures of him, along with his cake.
This is the first stage of the cake with frosting on it. We all decided this was our most creative cake so far.
The finished product =) Everyone worked together and added an element or two!

Timmy taste tests the cake... okay squishes it!

Handsome young Timmy proudly models his new PJ's!

Timmy being goofy! We love our little man!

Happy Birthday Tim-Bob!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day

O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife.
Who more than self thy country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all sucess be nobleness
And every gain divine!
O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
O beautiful for glory-tale
Of liberating strife
When once and twice
For man's avail
Men lavished precious life!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer strain
The banner of the FREE!
(A few selections of verses from "America the Beautiful" by Katherine Lee Bates)


Thursday, November 5, 2009

What's Up

Just a few days ago I was able to go with some friends to see the "World Famous" Lipizzaner Stallions. We had a really fun day of shopping and then finishing the day with seeing the horses perform. I didn't take my camera because I assumed no pictures were allowed, at least with the flash. Actually, you are able to photograph as much as you like even with the flash if you need it! I was disappointed that I didn't have it with me, but it worked out fine because mom and dad went to see them last night. I sent my camera with them and mom was able to get some pictures for me. I also have some pictures of the first snow that has actually accumulated to something on the ground. Hannah and Noelle are very excited about it, although they were sad it isn't enough to sled in yet :)

This is the head rider bowing with a horse.

I gave up trying to move this after about 5min. of trying. Anyway, it is of the snow on the trees and in the field.
The head rider again, on a horse without stirrups, doing one of the "Airs Above the Ground" maneuvers.
The riders on their mounts finish the program.

Something I drew in the snow today.

Miss Izzy does her best to smile for me!
