Time seems to fly by and suddenly it has been a week since my last post and it seems like it was yesterday! Katie is now 10 days old! She had to go and see a cardiologist on Friday and they discovered that she has 4 holes in her heart. Thankfully, 2 of them were so small the doctors didn't measure them. One of the other holes should close very soon and the other one will be monitered and should also close on its own. We are praying that they will close by themselves and have hope because the doctors have said that 70%-90% of the holes like Katherine have close on their own. They are not life threatening, but we would much rather have them close on their own than have her have a minor surgery when she is older to have them closed. But if you would, keep her in your prayers! Here are a few more pictures to update you all...
I know, I know, I post too many of Timmy, but I like this one! (Taken at the hosptial)
I can't believe it has already been ten days since Katherine was born!!! I can't wait to cuddle her again. Jenna liked the photo I sent her of the wedding bands and has them saved to her wedding and picture plans so that she can remember to have one taken. Jam making is going well and I hope to have the majority of it made by the end of the week. However, I also still have all the labeling to do. Tomorrow I'm planning on making pickles and relish. (Grandpa has a meat grinder that I can use to make relish. Actually grandpa says he has three meat grinders and that we could take one back to maine with us. And here I was wondering where to find one of these nifty instruments and all along grandpa has three ;D )Anyway we should be able to swap relish making stories together in the near future. Hugs, love, and kisses, to everone and don't forget Katherine for me. Love, Beth