Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Autum is in the Air

Oh, it's nice to be back in the "blogosphere"! We continue to be busy and quite frankly, I seem to be very tired in the evening after chores are done and the kids are in bed. But, I didn't want to wait any longer to post! Here are some pictures I have taken recently...

We are enjoying our new view of this mountain with the foliage that is starting!
Some Blue Hubbard squash that is patiently waiting for a frost so that we can pick them.

Part of our carrot bed that is also waiting for a frost!
So...this is a random picture! I found this tire in the cleared land and decided it was a interesting shot :) Does anyone need a tire while we are on the subject?? HAHA, it would probably fall apart if we picked it up!
Katherine in mid-grin!!
Timmy smiling! (Sorry about the red eye, I kinda forgot about it until I loaded it and I am too tired to worry about fixing it!)
Hannah napping with Katie...
Okay, so here is a warning, there will be pictures of me just below, PROCEED WITH CAUTION!! Okay, seriously though, I have had MANY people ask me to put pictures of me on my own blog. If anyone knows me personaly, they will admit that I HATE pictures taken of me (for good reason I must say). That is why I am the photographer, but anyway... I decided that I would take a couple and post them so people will stop bothering me!! Oh, and if anyone is wondering... in honor of the up-coming hunting season Noelle gave me an orange hat to wear and I just decided to leave it on!
Surveying the land for the *perfect* hunting spot.
And, uh, this is pretty self explanatory... Me on a stump!

So if you made it this far, you survived! I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of fall. Fall will officially be underway in 6 minutes from this post at 11:09pm! Happy Fall 2010!!!!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Try, Try Again

This coming January, I will have a chance to participate in photographing a wedding! I am so excited! While at Border's last Friday, I was browsing photography books and saw this neat photo of a wedding band in a Bible casting the shadow of a heart. I took a picture on the cell phone so I would have a visual. When we got home, Beth helped me with lighting and after several attempts, I got something close, but not what I would like. So, I will keep experimenting so that hopefully by January I will have mastered it and be able to incorporate it in the wedding pictures!

Time Flies

Time seems to fly by and suddenly it has been a week since my last post and it seems like it was yesterday! Katie is now 10 days old! She had to go and see a cardiologist on Friday and they discovered that she has 4 holes in her heart. Thankfully, 2 of them were so small the doctors didn't measure them. One of the other holes should close very soon and the other one will be monitered and should also close on its own. We are praying that they will close by themselves and have hope because the doctors have said that 70%-90% of the holes like Katherine have close on their own. They are not life threatening, but we would much rather have them close on their own than have her have a minor surgery when she is older to have them closed. But if you would, keep her in your prayers! Here are a few more pictures to update you all...
I know, I know, I post too many of Timmy, but I like this one! (Taken at the hosptial)

All bundled up her a blanket Rebekah made for her.

Katie's first bath at home...
She seemed to be enjoying it for a little while...

Well, I guess not for too long!
Sleeping in the May family heirloom basinet!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Katherine Grace Reynolds
Born: September 4th, 2010
At: 7:49pm
Weight: 7lbs 13.4oz
Length: 21.5 inches

Noelle and Katie on her first day home!!
Timmy's first time holding Katie!! (He wasn't so sure about the whole thing ;)

Checking her out cautiously...
But finally, Timmy's first-time-big-brother kiss!!
Rebekah holding Katherine.
Noelle is ALL smiles getting to be a big sister for the 3rd time!
Don't worry, there will be more photos to come soon as long as Katie doesn't pose like this...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Learning More Farming Skills

Okay, so maybe I'm a little bad at posting :) Things have been so busy around here that time just flies by and it seems as though I have no time to blog. But, here are some pictures of something that Chris has been learning with dad...
Getting to use a chainsaw for the first time!!
Learning different ways to cut logs.
A view from behind some trees.
Everything went very well, no accidents or anything... but let me tell you, the chips were flying!!
