Thursday, April 1, 2010


All winter the kids having been dying to get to a playground and today was the first time they got to go! We had beautiful weather so Beth and I took the 3 youngest ones to the playground in town. Here are some really cute pictures :)

We have gotten MANY comments on this particular outfit of Tim's that it looks like he just escaped from jail. Don't worry, I think that too. That's why I took this picture...
Tim was loving that there was rocks, dirt, and wood chips in the same area and we were letting him play with it all! He kept bringing Beth handfuls of it!

Race to the end...

Hello, is anyone down there?!

Quick pose for me on the bridge.

I'm doing it all by myself!

The joys of being sisters...

All smiles!!!
And finally, our crocuses have bloomed!!!
Happy Spring!!

1 comment:

  1. Hannah and Noelle are so cute together (: and Tim Is geting big. I can`t belive that Adian is going to be 1 one year old on April 28,2010


    love, your horse crazy friend sarah & bravo
