Friday, July 29, 2011


So maybe my talents don't include keeping my blog updated regularly, but oh well! I finally was able to finish this post for Isaiah's championship game that was, well, we don't need to say when! ;) The game was the longest (almost 4 full hours!), most intense Jr Little League game ever on record (I think), but it all paid off! Plus, my grandparents surprised us with a visit arriving with enough time to eat lunch before the game started! Isaiah played AMAZINGLY well, and although I am obviously biased, I don't think anyone could argue that *fact*!!

Isaiah gets his gear ready to take the field...

In the dugout listening to the batting order.

A great slide in to home for another run closer to winning!

Isaiah on the mound

All smiles after winning as the boys make it back into the dugout =)

Shaking hands

Part of Isaiah's fan club clapping as the boys receive their trophies. (Isn't Katie way too cute)

Getting hugs... :)

And hand shakes from Grandpa!

At home with his trophy!!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Independence Day Celebration!

Our family had a wonderful time on the 4th of July, so enjoy a few pictures!
Timmy, Beth and Hannah watch the parade.

This giant truck was one of Timmy's favorites... can you blame him, it's HUGE!!!!

Katie loved her first Independence Day!

The end of the parade...

Later that day we enjoyed fireworks!! I got a few keepers but this was my first attempt with my new camera and hopefully I'll do better next time :)
