Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Indian Head Dresses

What do three Reynolds' children do with left over paper strips from making paper chains?? Make Indian head dresses and run around the house playing the "bad" Indians from Davy Crocket! Of course Timmy was Chief Red Stick (there must be resemblence somewhere..maybe??), but I'm not quite sure what Hannah and Noelle ended being!!


Only a 2 Year Old!

Rebekah made some pillows for friends and family as Christmas gifts and Timmy found some little puffs of stuffing around the house.... so..... after being unsuccessful in attempting to eat "snow" he tried this approach.....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tree Decorating

Tree with lights with the camera flash on.

Tree lights on, no flash
Strings of popcorn and cranberries...
Now comes the ornaments....
Timmy and I pause for a quick picture...
Beth helps Tim hang up his first ornament...
CHEESE!! Hannah completes hanging some on the tree!!
All finished with candy canes and all!!

Coming soon...... ginger bread houses with Grampa!!

Chris Turns 16!!

Chris celebrated his 16th birthday on December 16th!!

He chose a chinese theme for his dinner menu. The egg rolls that we made....

His gift....

Giving dad a hug....

Mommy hugging her not-so-little boy.....

Happy Birthday Chris!

Anatomy of a Katie Kiss

A few sweet photos of Katie bug with her new fascination of giving kisses.... I think the pictures say enough!


Hanny Turns 4!!!!

Here are just a few photos from Hannah's little family birthday celebration!

The kids weren't all being happy and letting me take their picture, but 3 of them did pre-cake eating time!!


They did it!!!!!!!!!

See what I mean??