After a very busy weekend and starting VBS today, I decided that I would take some time to blog before I get to the end of this week and wondered where time went! Saturday was our town's Summer Festival and I was asked to take pictures of the events going on... so, I thought I would share some. The only bad thing about having to photograph the days events was that Isaiah had his All Stars game that same day. He pitched 2 innings in which he struck out 4 of the 6 batters out and allowed no runs to score. On top of that he batted 3 times; he got a hit the first at-bat and got on base, was hit by a pitch his 2nd at-bat, and then finished off with getting the game winning RBI!!!!!!! It was a bummer that we missed it (except Dad and Chris) but he had lots of stories to tell us. Without further babbling, here are a few pictures...
Isaiah doing the tire roll.
Rebekah doing the tire roll.
Dad even participated in some events (and got ribbons!!). Here he is with his partner doing the 3 legged race.

Rebekah and he partner showed everyone how it was done in the 3 legged race by taking the blue ribbon and finishing way ahead of their competition.
Isaiah, well.... I think he should stick to baseball!!!! ;)
And after the "Anything That Floats Race", I snapped a few flower pictures.
Well, that is all for now. I need to get to bed because we have VBS the rest of the week and I usually get run down by the end of the week so I should get some sleep while I can!! Have a great week!!