Thursday, July 30, 2009

All Star Game

Seeing as you already know the story, I will just post the pictures and what they are about!

At the end of the game all the boys from both teams received trophies. These are our three boys that represented our team. Front left is Cody, front right is Nick, and Isaiah is in the back.
This is Nick who hit the winning hit that scored the last two runs they needed in order to win. One of which was Isaiah, he was the tying run.
Isaiah out in right field catches a pop-fly during warm up.

This is Cody who was able to play his position as catcher for awhile.

Isaiah got a high-five from the first base coach as he trotted down to first after getting walked. This was in the last inning when he was the tying run.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Anything That Floats Race

This year for our town's Summer Festival, Beth and I put together a boat for our two cousins and Rebekah. It is a silly competition that involves creating and making your boat out of random materials. We used giant tubs and five gallon buckets and used soda bottles and milk jugs to fill in the holes and made a frame, well cage for them. The kids had lots of fun theming it, painting it, and then competing in it! I have a few pictures I will post now. I have a lot more I would like to blog, but am too tired to do now.... like Isaiah making the All-Star team and coming in to score in the last inning to give us a chance at winning.... which we did!! His teamate hit the hit that would drive in the winning 2 runs!! It was a nail biter the whole game, but lots of fun to watch. He didn't get to pitch, but he had fun and did great where he did get to play. Okay, now I just ruined my whole next post by telling you the WHOLE story. Oh well, it will be easier next time! Okay enough, here are the pictures!

Their craft had to sport a name and they came up with this..

U.S.S. Star Wars Super Ship

Painting the assembled boat.

My cousin Kayla had just arrived about 10 minutes, from R.I., before the race!
They did very well considering they hadn't rowed together at all!

The boat at the finish line, complete with R-2 D-2.

Holding their 3rd place ribbons.

They all dresses up as somone from Star Wars. Connor had a Darth Vador mask, but it limited his vision so he went without. Rebekah even let me do her make-up and hair as Padme Amidala.


They all had a lot of fun! I still have more stuff to post so hopefully I will find some time. The past week we enjoyed the company of my aunt, grammy, and 3 cousins. Connor stayed a few extra days by himself, and then we swapped him for 2 other cousins that will be with us until Friday. We have been keeping very busy and having a good time together! Be back soon... I hope??!! ;-


Sewing Creations

I got an awesome new sewing book from some friends at our party and I have already been able to make some creations! The eye glass cases are SO easy you can whip them up in under 10 minutes! I made my own pattern because it is a "pattern free" sewing book. They give you their dimensions and you can use them or adjust them accordingly. The other one isn't from the book, it is a dress that I made for a baby shower for somebody.
We absolutely DO NOT support cross-dressing or anything, but I did use poor Timmy as a model. He didn't like it at all at first, but once I took out my camera, he thought it was funny!
I posted this picture so that you knew we did put him in an adorable little man outfit after!!
And last but not least, the two eyeglass holders and the change purse I mad my aunt, complete with a zipper!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Finally some SUN!!

We finally had a nice day today!! I snapped a couple of pictures in the yard that I liked. Our plants seemed to come alive today with the sun's rays. I was worried if my tomato and pepper plants would live. They looked MUCH better today though!
A bunch of ripening blueberries.
A lily. I loved all of the pollen all over it!


4th Celebration!

Again, I don't know what is going on, but I am having problems arranging pictures. Although this isn't working for me, we still had a great time in Rhode Island! Here is a re-cap of the 4th!

Isaiah and Ben didn't get very far into the Pops....
Some of the boys with sparklers.

My great uncle Bob and cousin Emma.

I love Hannah's face in this picture as she is getting ready hit the pinata!

I couldn't resist this picture... she is such a cutie!!

A whacky entrance into the water! Nice one Cameron!!

The "Grill Master" of the day poses.

Kira enjoys some good eats!

The side view of my birthday cake.

The top view of my birthday cake. I had a lot of fun making it, with some help of course;).

We had a really great weekend. I hope everyone else had a great 4th!


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Bekah!!

Yesterday was Rebekah's 11th birthday! I have some pictures of her making her birthday dessert and some of the other events that occured yesterday in her honor. I am having problems moving pictures, so they are way out of order.

Rebekah with her Dirt Dessert.

Rebekah chose Dirt Dessert instead of cake. She also wanted to make it.

Noelle and Hannah helped blow out the candles.

Bekah and Hannah.
Rebekah also got to chose what we had for dinner. She decided on Monte Cristos!

I have alot I would like to post, like VBS from last week, I just need to find the time to. We are headed down to Rhode Island for the 4th of July to celebrate Independence Day (of course) and my birthday! Happy 4th to ALL!